Water Purifier

Thinking about buying a Reverse Osmosis (RO) water filter? Want to know how RO works? Is there a better alternative? Is it healthy to drink water from a RO filter? In this article we clarify the basics that you need to know about RO filter, the pros and cons and the best alternatives to RO water filters. What is Reverse Osmosis? The technology was originally invented as a solution...

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Wondering how to remove lead from tap water? Want to know what the best lead water filters are?  In this article we will explore where lead comes from, why it’s a risk, how to test for lead and how to filter and remove lead from tap water. Who is at risk of lead in tap water? More than 15% of households in North America and 5% in Europe...

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In earlier times, conventional methods were used to purify water. There was no technology involved in them. But there has been a lot of improvement in technology now, and the same can be seen in water purifying techniques. Different companies have introduced water purifiers, but not all of them are reliable and trustworthy. Water is something that every person needs to drink to survive. But,...

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Paying attention to employee wellness is one of the important parts of running a successful business. After all, when your employees are healthy and happy, your most crucial assets are protected: your employees! Various studies have shown that employees do their best when they feel good mentally and physically. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that the performance of an entire company can be...

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